Poltekpar Bali received a study visit from SMK 2 Wisata Perintis Depok

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Poltekpar Bali received a study visit from SMK 2 Wisata Perintis Depok on Tuesday, February 5, 2025.

The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Head of the Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation Department (Kabag ADAK), I Ketut Adhi Astawan, SE., M.Agb, accompanied by the Head of the Public Relations Unit, I Gede Made Sukariyanto, S.Par., M.Par.

The Principal of SMK 2 Wisata Perintis Depok, Budiyanto, S.Pd, SE, SH, MM, in his speech expressed his gratitude for the warm reception of the study visit at Poltekpar Bali. "We hope this visit will provide insights and a glimpse of the university life at Poltekpar Bali for our students, who come from the culinary and hotel management departments," said Budiyanto.

After the plaque exchange and a group photo, the Head of Public Relations at Poltekpar Bali gave a presentation about the campus profile, including study programs, curricula, job opportunities, and the new student registration process. Before concluding the event, the SMK 2 Wisata Perintis Depok delegation was taken on a tour of the campus's practical facilities, including the Plaza Saraswati.