Mr. Fabienne Penone’s (French Ambassador) Visit Opens Opportunities for Collaboration with Poltekpar Bali

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The French Ambassador, Fabienne Penone, visited the Bali Tourism Polytechnic on Friday, January 26, 2024. This visit marks the first for Fabienne Penone since being appointed as the French Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste, and ASEAN in 2023. This opportunity is a positive direction in building future collaborations.

The French Ambassador’s delegation, accompanied by Charlotte Esnou (Cultural Cooperation Section Attache/Deputy Director of IFI Jakarta) and Denys Cennet-Planchard (Director of Alliance Française Bali), was welcomed upon arrival at the Padma Campus of Poltekpar Bali by the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Mr. Dr. Drs Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes, along with other management members. The management of Poltekpar Bali immediately directed the French Ambassador’s delegation to the Ganesha Restaurant to enjoy a lunch prepared by students of the D3 Culinary Arts Study Program (SKU) and served by students of the D3 Food and Beverage Service Study Program (TAH). A warm and friendly atmosphere was immediately felt when the Ambassador, born on October 19, 1968, entered the Ganesha Restaurant and took the time to greet the students.

A relaxed yet serious atmosphere emerged as lunch began. Discussions flowed, covering the opportunities for collaboration between the French Government and Poltekpar Bali. Topics included the potential for networking with universities in France, French students studying at BiTP, guest lecturers, and plans to designate Poltekpar Bali as the venue for a gastronomy competition and festival in October 2024. This was enthusiastically received by Poltekpar Bali as this cooperation opportunity is a good chance to develop the quality of education and also the skills of Poltekpar students towards international standards.

The agenda continued with a short tour to the kitchen practice lab. Fabienne Penone did not miss the chance to meet with the D3 SKU students who had prepared delicious dishes for lunch. Accompanied by Denys Cennet-Planchard, the French Ambassador took a selfie with students in the kitchen practice lab. Students appeared enthusiastic and proud to have served food for the French Ambassador, an experience that can only be gained while studying at the Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

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