MAH Study Program Students of Poltekpar Bali Hold Management Application Seminar

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Students of the Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program A Batch 2020 at Bali Tourism Polytechnic (PPB) held a seminar on the results of the Management Application, titled "Development of a Cash System and Web-Based Accounting Information System at Petapan Park Tourist Attraction, Klungkung Regency," on Tuesday (30/4/2024) at the MICE Widyatula Building, Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Nusa Dua, Badung.

The event was attended by the Vice Director I of PPB, Dr. I Gusti Agung Gede Witarsana, S.ST.Par., MM., CHE., Petapan Park Accounting Section representative Sri Harmoni, Petapan Park Manager Ni Kadek Budi Arsani, Heads of Sections of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Sub-Section Heads, Head of Quality Assurance Center, Head of Research and Community Service Center, Heads of Departments, Heads of Study Programs, Study Program Coordinators, Heads of Labs, and all Hospitality Accounting Management lecturers at Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

In his speech, the Chairman of the MAH A 2020 Management Application Committee, I Komang Mantra Wiradharma, stated that the Management Application activity focused on the theme of transaction recording efficiency in financial reports, with the title "Development of a Cash System and Web-Based Accounting Information System at Petapan Park Tourist Attraction, Klungkung Regency." This theme was chosen to improve the procedures for cash receipts and disbursements, making them more structured and clear according to existing procedures, and to further develop the recording system that has been implemented at Petapan Park.
"We have carried out several activities, including proposal seminars, data consolidation, and trial seminars. Based on the results of these activities, we were able to produce the best possible product according to the needs of Petapan Park," he said.

"At this seminar, we will present the results of our Management Application, including the web-based Accounting Information System called Financial Operating System (FOS), the Financial Operating System (FOS) User Manual, and the procedures for cash receipts and disbursements," he explained.

Dr. Ni Made Sri Rukmiyati, SE., M.Si, Head of the Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program, stated that students could create products or works that can have a positive impact on the community, one of which is through the management program.

"This is a combination of education and community service carried out by students for four months from January to April 2024. At the very least, it can provide a tangible contribution to the community," she explained.
She continued that the financial system at Petapan Park has been manual, and this new system can help make it more efficient and easier to manage. She hopes that this system can improve the financial management of the tourist attraction.

"We believe that if the financial management is good, the business will progress further," she asserted.
Meanwhile, the Head of Finance at Petapan Park, Ni Wayan Sri Harmoni, mentioned that this application is very helpful because previous reports were very manual and not as fast as the application developed by Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

"Yes, it is very helpful in transitioning our manual financial recording to the application," she said.
Vice Director I of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. I Gusti Agung Gede Witarsana, S.ST.Par., MM., CHE, hopes that the assistance from PPB students can contribute to the development of tourism in Bali, especially in Petapan Village, Klungkung Regency.

"The hope is that tourism development in the eastern regions of Bali can progress, becoming a source of income for the village community," he explained. For the students, he said, it provides a real learning opportunity in the field, allowing them to gain knowledge directly from tourism practitioners, especially in the village, apart from in the campus. He also hopes that other study programs will carry out similar activities, ensuring that these efforts are continuous and sustainable in the future.

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