Kemenparekraf Enhances Public Communication Skills of Poltekpar Bali Students Through BirKom Day

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The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) provided public communication training to hundreds of students at the Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar) during the BirKom Day event held at the Poltekpar Bali campus. A total of 120 students and academics from various study programs were equipped with knowledge on public communication strategy and workflow management within the Kemenparekraf Communication Bureau.

Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani, the Secretary of Kemenparekraf, emphasized the importance for Poltekpar to communicate their achievements to the public through news and social media content. “Kemenparekraf and Poltekpar can collaborate in creating educational content on social media. For example, during the UN Tourism event, the Poltekpar logo was included in the UN Tourism agenda, which is featured on the UN website with over 150 member countries,” said Ni Wayan Giri at the BirKom Day opening in Bali.

Moreover, several Communication Bureau products have made efforts to reach all demographics, including people with disabilities. This is evident from the use of disability tools on the website and the use of sign language interpreters on the Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno program. “The Kemenparekraf website can now be populated with content by the public, especially Poltekpar residents, as the Poltekpar Variety menu has been prepared. This menu is expected to spark creativity among Poltekpar students and increase public interest in studying at Poltekpar,” added Ni Wayan Giri.

The Poltekpar Variety is a section on the website containing information about the Tourism Polytechnic under Kemenparekraf, a collaboration between the Communication Bureau, Data and Information Systems Center, and the six Tourism Polytechnics.

Ni Wayan Giri hopes that through BirKom Day, participants can gain insights from the speakers on managing social media and website content. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani, Head of the Kemenparekraf Communication Bureau, explained that BirKom Day is an opportunity for the Kemenparekraf Communication Bureau to share knowledge and enhance public communication skills within Kemenparekraf, particularly at Poltekpar Bali.

“BirKom Day is supported by Minister of Tourism Sandiaga Uno, aiming to align positive narratives from Kemenparekraf headquarters with Poltekpar institutions under its coordination. These positive narratives will be amplified in mass media, social media, television, and the Kemenparekraf and Poltekpar websites. BirKom Day serves as a means to foster coordination, collaboration, and maintain the quality of public communication between headquarters and Poltekpar Bali,” said I Gusti Ayu Dewi. This BirKom Day at Poltekpar Bali is the second such event, following the first held at Poltekpar Makassar.

Ida Bagus Putu Puja, Director of Poltekpar Bali, welcomed the BirKom Day event at Poltekpar Bali. He believes this meeting can enhance the understanding of academics and students at Poltekpar Bali regarding public communication to provide optimal information expected by the public. “Special skills are needed to create digital content so that the public will better understand what we do at Poltekpar Bali. In practice, this publicity is not only part of public relations but each of us can act as public relations for Poltekpar by providing clearer and more valid information,” said Ida Bagus Putu Puja.
This activity demonstrates Kemenparekraf's commitment to strengthening digital transformation in the tourism and creative economy sectors, starting with students who will become superior human resources in tourism.

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