Increasing Potential and Competitiveness of Tourism Activists in Tomohon City Expected to Improve Significantly

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MANADOPOST.ID - The potential for increasing the competence and competitiveness of tourism activists in Tomohon City is predicted to grow significantly in the future.

This is due to the collaboration between the Tomohon City Government and Bali Tourism Polytechnic, which serves as a great momentum to enhance the quality of human resources in the tourism sector of the Flower City. The tourism community of Tomohon City has welcomed Mayor Caroll Senduk SH’s initiative to collaborate with Politeknik in a region that is a national tourism benchmark.

PROFESSIONAL: Mayor Caroll Senduk SH closely observed the skills training at Bali Tourism Polytechnic, where chef or culinary arts is one of the available programs. (Special Document)
"Efforts to improve the quality and competence of human resources in the tourism sector are essential. Tomohon has long been a tourism reference in North Sulawesi. It is only appropriate that Tomohon has competent human resources who are fluent in foreign languages, have good attitudes, and more. Tourists usually pay attention to details such as how they are treated and served," said Senior Tour Guide Jotje Lala in a recent interview.

The owner of Talaga Tomohon Home Stay, Riko Rumende, also expressed appreciation. This young tourism activist mentioned that collaborating with a higher education institution, especially from Bali, the tourism benchmark region in Indonesia, opens up opportunities for Tomohon to have competent human resources.

"Bali Tourism Polytechnic has long been known and has become a reference for tourism education in Indonesia. I think the government's efforts are very good, and it’s up to our young generation to take advantage of it. There is optimism that Tomohon's tourism activists will be even better in the future," said the owner of the lodging frequently visited by European tourists.

It is known that the follow-up collaboration between the Tomohon City Government and Bali Tourism Polytechnic is a complete series. When Bali Tourism Polytechnic visited and made Tomohon a training partner for tourism activists in 2023.

In fact, tracing back, this collaboration was almost realized during the administration before Caroll Senduk.
"It is important to understand that the collaboration between the Tomohon City Government and Bali Tourism Polytechnic is essentially a follow-up when they (Bali Tourism Polytechnic) visited and held activities in Tomohon. If I’m not mistaken, this MOU was almost realized during the previous administration," said the Head of the Tomohon City Tourism Office, Judhistira Siwu.

Bali Tourism Polytechnic is a well-known vocational college in Indonesia under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) RI.

Not only Tomohon City, but North Minahasa Regency, which has 'special' potential with the Likupang Special Economic Zone (KEK), also partners with Bali Tourism Polytechnic as a working partner to encourage the birth of quality tourism human resources.

Moreover, Politeknik Pariwisata Manado, located in Kalasey Dua Village, is currently under the supervision of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, following the directives of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.
"This collaboration involves study assistance or scholarships. There are many professions available at Bali Tourism Polytechnic. Essentially, the government, while building facilities, must also be accompanied by quality human resource improvement," added Judhistira.

Judhistira Siwu continued, saying that the government, through Kemenparekraf, provides subsidies to Bali Tourism Polytechnic for human resource development.
"The collaboration with Bali Tourism Polytechnic should ideally be a collaboration with Manado Tourism Polytechnic in Kalasey. Since Manado Tourism Polytechnic is still waiting for a permit from the Ministry of Education and Culture, it is currently managed by Bali Tourism Polytechnic," he concluded.
