Bali Tourism Polytechnic Students Present Urban Tourism Development Project in Denpasar

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Students from the Tourism Destination Study Program (DEP) conducted a project presentation titled "Urban Tourism Development" at the Denpasar City Tourism Office on Tuesday, April 4, 2024.

During the event, DEP students from classes A and B, divided into six groups, presented their research findings on the development of urban tourism in Denpasar City.

The event featured guest speakers, including the Head of Denpasar City Tourism Office, Mrs. Ni Luh Putu Riyastiti, S.S., M.Par., and Mrs. Dewi Dyana Putra Ah. Par., the Adyatama for Tourism and Creative Economy.

Also in attendance were lecturers supporting the Cultural Tourism Destination Planning course, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., SE., M.Par., M.Rech., and Dr. I Wayan Sukma Winarya Prabawa, M.Par., M.Pro., along with the Head of the Tourism Destination Program, Mrs. Dewa Ayu Made Lily Dianasari, S.T., M.Si.

This course project aims to enable Tourism Destination students to contribute ideas and insights based on their studies related to tourism destination development, specifically focusing on Denpasar City.

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