Bali Tourism Polytechnic continues to show its commitment to improving the quality of local tourism through the Community Service Program (PkM).

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Gianyar, 4 – 5 September 2024 – Bali Tourism Polytechnic continues to show its commitment to improving the quality of local tourism through the Community Service Program (PkM). This phase II PkM program is a continuation of the previous assistance carried out by the Bali Tourism Destination Study Program (DEP) related to tourism village management in Sidan Tourism Village.

The main focus of this program is on tourism product planning and strengthening storytelling in Sidan Tourism Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali. The aim is to strengthen planning and storytelling for tourism products in Sidan Village. This activity involves various related parties, including local tourism actors, Pokdarwis, Bumdes, PKK, as well as local youth.

Mr. I Wayan Sukma Winarya Prabawa, M.Par., M.Pro., as Deputy Director 2 of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic, conveyed the important role of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic in supporting the sustainability of tourism in Bali through relevant skills training. Apart from focusing on tourism development and its economic impact, he emphasized the importance of imparting skills directly to local communities, such as effective storytelling skills in promoting history, mystical stories and the unique attraction of tourist villages. It is hoped that this will impress tourists and support sustainable tourism in Bali.

Complete news can be seen at the following link: