Winter School Program 2024: 90 Domestic and International Students Visit Bali Tourism Polytechnic

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MANGUPURA, POS BALI - The Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar), a vocational higher education institution under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, frequently receives visits from educational institutions both domestically and internationally.

As part of the Winter School Program 2024, 90 students from various international universities visited Poltekpar Bali and continued their visits to several other higher education institutions in Indonesia.
During the reception of the Winter School 2024 group in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Tuesday (June 18, 2024), the Director of Poltekpar Bali, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes, stated that Bali is one of the regions in Indonesia rich in tourism potential. Bali offers numerous tourist attractions, including natural beauty, local cuisine, cultural heritage, and customs, making it a popular holiday destination.

The increasing number of tourist visits to Bali presents urgent environmental challenges, necessitating evaluations to protect and restore threatened ecosystems. "Environmental changes in Bali are an urgent issue requiring a thorough evaluation to understand their impact and identify steps to protect and restore the environment," he said. One significant environmental change is soil erosion, marked by unsustainable agricultural practices, massive urbanization, and land use that does not comply with spatial planning. According to him, a comprehensive evaluation is needed to understand the impact of the increasing number of tourists visiting the area known as the Island of a Thousand Temples.

On this occasion, he hoped that all parties would remain mindful of the impact of tourism development to keep Bali an attractive tourist destination. Similarly, the Head of the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, explained that environmental damage issues should be a serious concern for all parties, including higher education institutions.

Therefore, through cooperation with several international universities, they conducted visits to see firsthand the tourist attractions scattered throughout Indonesia, including Bali. Students studying urban and regional planning from various universities around the world visited and observed the impact of tourism in Bali.He hoped that by participating in this activity, the group would understand the vulnerability of communities on small islands in Bali to environmental changes, be able to identify local economic potential and regional infrastructure that can support environmental conservation efforts, and discuss the assets and challenges faced by communities in dealing with environmental disasters.

"Planning sustainable and responsible coastal area management strategies to encourage other sectors that benefit the community," he said.

The young generation from several international universities was received by the Director of Poltekpar Bali, Ida Bagus Putu Puja, accompanied by several staff members at the MICE Building, Poltekpar Bali. Present and giving speeches at the event were Aritenang (ITB), Ida Bagus Putu Puja (Poltekpar Bali), Prof. Dr. Dimitris Balas (Groningen University), and Dr. Shida Omar (University of Science Malaysia), followed by field activities.Today, Tuesday (June 18), the group traveled to visit tourist attractions in Penglipuran, Kintamani, and Melasti Beach in South Bali's tourist area.
