Bali Tourism Polytechnic Conducted Collaborative Tourism Management Training in Sangiran

Blog Single, SRAGEN — Sangiran Tourism Village reaffirms its commitment to community-based tourism development through a collaborative management training initiated by the Tourism Destination Study Program PSDKU Sragen – Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar). The training was officially opened by the Head of the Research and Community Service Center (P3M), Dr. Putu Diah Sastri., S.ST. Par., M.Par, representing the Director of Poltekpar Bali.

The training was attended by various important stakeholders, including village government, community groups, village MSME industry players, tour guides, and non-governmental organizations, all united to advance Sangiran as a progressive, self-reliant, and sustainably competitive tourism destination. The training was delivered by competent facilitators/speakers in their fields: Joko Hendang Murdono, S.STP (Head of Youth and Sports Office of Sragen), Dr. Rahmawati., A.Md., MM.Par., (permanent lecturer at Poltekpar Bali), and Matius Tinna Sarira, M.Hum., (permanent lecturer at Poltekpar Bali).

Sangiran Tourism Village has tremendous potential, not only in its cultural and historical richness but also in its ability to engage various parties in managing the tourism destination. Collaboration among stakeholders is key to ensuring that Sangiran Tourism Village development focuses not only on economic gains but also on environmental sustainability and the welfare of the local community.

The collaborative management of Sangiran Tourism Village involves active participation from the village government, which acts as the main facilitator, ensuring that all policies and programs implemented align with the community's needs and aspirations. In addition, tourism industry players and local communities work together to create authentic and attractive tourism products while ensuring that this development does not compromise existing local values.

Academics from Poltekpar Bali play a vital role in providing the necessary knowledge and skills through various training and workshops. The scientific approach and best practices brought by these academics help the village community understand and implement effective and efficient management strategies.
Meanwhile, non-governmental organizations contribute with various mentoring and empowerment programs aimed at enhancing the local community's capacity to manage and promote their tourism village.

Participants were given in-depth knowledge on how to independently and sustainably manage natural and cultural resources, strategies for packaging tourism products to attract more visitors, and skills in interpreting village tourism products to improve the community's understanding of these products.
With the theme "Collaboration for Progress, Independence, and Sustainability of Tourism Villages," this training emphasized the importance of cooperation between the local community and various related parties in advancing the tourism village. Participants were encouraged to share their ideas and experiences and work together to create innovative products that can be prepared in Sangiran Tourism Village to reach the level of "Progressive, Independent, and Sustainable" Tourism Village.

This training is expected to have a significant positive impact on the Sangiran Tourism Village community. With enhanced skills and knowledge, the local community is expected to manage their tourism village more professionally, progressively, independently, and sustainably.

This will not only increase the village's attractiveness to visitors but also create new jobs and boost the local economy. Moreover, this training contributes to the preservation of the culture and environment of Sangiran Tourism Village. With a better understanding of practices towards achieving a progressive, independent, and sustainable tourism village, the community can ensure that tourism development does not harm the natural beauty and cultural heritage they possess. This is crucial for maintaining the long-term sustainability of the tourism village.

One of the training participants, Sukoco, a local tour guide in Sangiran Village, said the training was very beneficial for them. "We gained a lot of new knowledge on how to manage a tourism village professionally. I am confident that with the cooperation of all parties, Sangiran Village will become a more attractive, progressive, independent, and sustainable tourism destination," he said.

The solid collaboration between various stakeholders in Sangiran Tourism Village, with the support of Poltekpar Bali as the facilitator, forms an important foundation in creating a progressive, independent, and sustainable tourism village. This training not only enriches the knowledge and skills of the local community but also strengthens the sense of togetherness and cooperation among them. Thus, Sangiran Tourism Village is expected to continue to develop and provide sustainable benefits to its entire community.

The Chairman of the PkM Committee and also a speaker, Matius Tinna Sarira, stated that Bali Tourism Polytechnic is a state higher education institution under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy focusing on human resource development in the field of tourism. Through various sustainable training and community service programs, Poltekpar Bali is committed to continuing to support the development of sustainable and community-based rural tourism.
