Students of Convention and Event Management Program Successfully Organize "GeoBeat Ecotopia" Event

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Students from the 7th Semester B Class Convention and Event Management Study Program (PKA) successfully held the "GeoBeat Ecotopia" activity with the theme "The Melody of Sustainability in Paradise Island", by collaborating music, art and environmental sustainability.

The purpose of holding this activity is as a form of implementation for PKA semester 7/B study program students, especially in the Event Management Application course.

The GeoBeat Ecotopia activity will be held starting on October 30 2023, with the agenda of Mangrove Planting activities in Kampoeng Kepiting.
Next, it will continue with the Main Event activities, namely on November 5 2023 which will be held at Geo Open Space and opened directly by the Director of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic, namely Mr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja M. Kes.

This activity was also attended by Community Figures / Environmental Activists / Mayor of Denpasar for the 2008 - 2021 Period, namely Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, S.E., M.Si., Directors of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, as well as PKA Study Program Lecturers.

GeoBeat Ecotopia also presents a total of 9 environmental lover communities.
By holding this activity, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge and motivation regarding how to maintain a sustainable surrounding environment, by reducing the use of plastic in everyday life.

Let's Create, Conserve, and Celebrate Together!