Poltekpar Bali Students Hold Tourism Village Publication Seminar and FPS 2023 Exhibition

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BADUNG, Radar Bali – Fifth-semester students of the Tourism Destination Study Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar) held the Tourism Village Publication Seminar and FPS 2023 Exhibition on campus on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. This event marked the culmination of the Management Application activities, specifically the Field Project Study (FPS) for fifth-semester Tourism Destination students.

The event provided a valuable opportunity for students to share their research findings and experiences on topics highly relevant to tourism and destinations in Bali. This year's theme, “Regrowing Today, Lead the Future Someday,” reflected a spirit of envisioning a better future through innovation, research, and critical thinking.

Given the ongoing changes due to the pandemic, the event emphasized the significant potential for Bali's tourism destinations to grow and become leaders in the future. A total of 54 students conducted research over three weeks in five regencies in Bali: Bangli, Karangasem, Badung, Buleleng, and Gianyar. In the field, they divided into four groups to explore the main topic, “Rethinking Tourism Villages in Bali Post-Pandemic.”

Deputy Director III of Poltekpar Bali, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, noted the importance and relevance of the theme in the current context. “The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the tourism industry, and we are committed to finding creative solutions to revive and renew Bali's tourism villages,” she stated.

During the event, participants listened to presentations by fifth-semester Tourism Destination students who diligently explored various aspects of the topic and shared their findings. “We believe that collaboration and knowledge sharing are key to advancing Bali's tourism industry,” she added.

Yusni further mentioned that the Seminar Publication and Field Project Study Exhibition serve as an ideal platform for exchanging ideas, learning from each other, and collectively seeking innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges faced.

Additionally, the event aimed to encourage students to develop creativity, sensitivity, and innovation regarding various issues or phenomena related to the tourism industry. “We hope that after participating in this seminar and exhibition, attendees will leave with deeper insights and renewed enthusiasm to help realize a more sustainable and resilient future for Bali's tourism destinations,” she concluded.