Poltekpar Bali Hotel Management Program Conducts Community Service in Cemagi

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BADUNG, radarbali.id – The Hotel Management Study Program (PPH) of Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar) Bali successfully conducted community service on September 21-22, 2023, in Cemagi Tourism Village, Badung. The community service event, themed “Training on Utilizing Social Media in Marketing Tourism Villages and Accommodations in Cemagi Tourism Village, Badung Regency,” aimed to fulfill the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of community service, as well as provide socialization and training on social media development in Cemagi Tourism Village.

The PKM (Community Service Program) was officially opened by the Head of the Research and Community Service Center (P3M) of Poltekpar Bali, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suprastayasa, M.Ed, by symbolically presenting training participant badges to two representative trainees. In his speech, the Head of P3M expressed gratitude to the Head of Cemagi Tourism Village for facilitating and supporting the PKM activity of the PPH Study Program for the second time, ensuring the event ran smoothly and positively impacted the progress of Cemagi Tourism Village in utilizing social media for marketing and making accommodations more widely known to both local and international tourists visiting Bali.

The Coordinator of the Hotel Management Study Program, Dr. I Gusti Agung Witarsana S.ST.Par,.MM,.CHE, emphasized that this event is a follow-up to the collaboration through an MOU, which included about three previous activities. He thanked the Head of Cemagi Tourism Village for their willingness to synergize, collaborate, and jointly build Bali tourism, especially in Cemagi Tourism Village, to provide sustainable community service.

Meanwhile, the Head of Cemagi Tourism Village, I Putu Hendra Sastrawan, S.Si, highly appreciated the PKM activity in the form of training on utilizing social media for marketing the tourism village and accommodations in Cemagi Tourism Village.

“It is hoped that this training will enhance the development of Cemagi Tourism Village in the future, with the roles of all parties from managers, the government, and academicians who have participated in this training,” he said.

The two-day training was attended by 30 participants, including tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis), MSME actors, and homestay employees.On the first day, the material presented was “From Real to Reels, The Rise of Smartphone Storytelling” by Dr. Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, S.ST.Par., M.Par., CHE.

The second material, titled “Optimization of Social Media,” was delivered by the speaker Ida Bagus Putu Agus Garlika, S.ST.Par., MM. Meanwhile, on the second day, the topic “Practice of Social Media Marketing” was explained by Prastha Adyatma, S.M., M.Sc.