Poltekpar Bali Conducts Event Management Training in Tomohon

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KANALMETRO, TOMOHON – Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar) Bali held an event management training session in Tomohon, specifically at Villa Emita, from December 5 to 6, 2023. This activity was part of Poltekpar Bali's community service program.

I Nengah Wirata, Head of the Tourism Department representing the Director of Poltekpar Bali, explained the choice of Tomohon as the location for the training due to the success of the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) in 2023. Meanwhile, the Head of the Tomohon Tourism Office, Yudhistira Siwu, stated that the training aimed to enhance the community's capacity to manage various events, including TIFF and other events.

"This is also part of exploring collaboration between Poltekpar Bali and the Tomohon City Government in developing Human Resources (HR) in the tourism sector," he added.

Also present were the Secretary of Community Service at Poltekpar Bali, I Made Tirta Wati, and I Gusti Agung Febrianto as the chairman of the organizing committee.

source by : https://kanalmetro.com/2023/12/07/poltekpar-bali-gelar-pelatihan-manajemen-event-di-tomohon/