MAH Study Program of Bali Tourism Polytechnic Conducts Community Service in Gianyar

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MANGUPURA, POS BALI - Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali), one of the vocational colleges in Bali, implements one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Community Service (PkM). Lecturers from the MAH Study Program of Poltekpar Bali provided "Socialization and Training on Calculating Cost of Goods Sold for Accommodation Managers in Tegallalang Village, Gianyar Regency."

"The goal of this PkM is to assist accommodation managers in understanding and implementing the calculation of the cost of goods sold," said Dr. Ni Made Sri Rukmiyati, SE., M.Si, Coordinator of the MAH Study Program, in Nusa Dua on Tuesday (June 11, 2024).
She stated that Tegallalang Village is known for its various new tourism potentials with natural, cultural, and spiritual nuances that can be further developed into high-quality tourist attractions. The increasing number of tourists visiting Tegallalang has inspired entrepreneurs to build tourist accommodations such as villas, homestays, and hotels.
"Nowadays, many villas are popular among tourists," she said. The growth of villas, she continued, has led to tighter competition among accommodation business owners.

"Therefore, to improve the service of tourist accommodations, it is necessary to provide socialization and training on calculating selling prices to achieve more competitive prices," said Made Sri Rukmiyati. This PkM activity is a collaboration between lecturers and students of the MAH Study Program, featuring presentations on Sapta Pesona (Seven Charms), Financial Literacy, and Calculating Cost of Goods Sold, concluding with a Q&A session for the training participants.

On this occasion, she hopes that through this training, participants will gain new insights and practical skills that can be applied in daily operations, enabling the locally managed accommodation businesses to grow and compete both domestically and internationally.

Similarly, the Head of the Hospitality Department, Poltekpar Bali, I Made Rumadana, SE., M.Par, in his speech, said that the higher education institution in the Nusa Dua tourist area provides maximum support for this PkM. Therefore, this activity not only provides temporary benefits but also has long-term effects.
"This activity is also expected to strengthen the relationship between academics and the community in a joint effort to build and develop local potential," he emphasized.

Additionally, the Head of Tegallalang Village, Anak Agung Gede Raka Ardana, added that this activity is very much in line with the needs of the community, including the local community in Tegallalang. He hopes that this training will not just be a one-time event but will become a series of continuous activities. The two-day PkM event (June 6-7, 2024), which was attended by 30 people including villa and homestay managers, youth, and several community leaders, was opened by I Made Rumadana.