HIMA Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program of Bali Tourism Polytechnic Holds Scientific Paper Competition 2024: Food Waste Reduction Strategy

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Nusa Dua – The Student Association of the Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program (HIMAPRODI MAH) at Bali Tourism Polytechnic for the 2023/2024 period has successfully held the "Scientific Paper Competition" (LKTI) for 2024 with the theme "Food Waste Reduction Strategy." This event is a national academic competition aimed at developing writing and critical thinking skills among high school and equivalent students.

The Scientific Paper Competition provided participants with the opportunity to express original, creative, and innovative ideas based on in-depth research on relevant topics. The resulting scientific papers not only served as a competitive platform but also contributed to disseminating information and solutions for various societal issues, particularly in efforts to reduce food waste. Evaluation and selection of the papers took place from August 7 to 10, 2024, with the winners announced on Friday, August 16, 2024.

Dr. Ni Made Sri Rukmiyati, S.E., M.Si., Coordinator of the Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program, stated, "We are proud to see the enthusiasm and quality of the scientific papers produced by the participants. This event is a tangible manifestation of our commitment to supporting the academic potential of the younger generation."

Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes., Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, added, "We hope this event will inspire more students to continue creating and contributing to solving important issues like food waste reduction, which is a global concern today."

With the conclusion of this event, the HIMAPRODI Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic hopes to continue organizing academic activities that can positively impact the younger generation and society at large.