Food and Beverage Service Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic Conducts Training on Service and Creative Food & Beverage Presentation in Manukaya Village, Gianyar

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GIANYAR - Recognizing the importance of knowledge and skills in providing food and beverage services at a tourist destination to create a positive destination image in the eyes of tourists, the Food and Beverage Service Program initiated a Community Service activity in Manukaya Village, Gianyar Regency. The activity took place over 2 days, from May 20 to 21, 2024. This initiative marks the beginning steps to enhance knowledge and skills in food service, processing, and creative beverage presentation among the community to support the positive image of Manukaya Village in Gianyar Regency.

The head organizer of the event, Putu Mira Astuti Pranadewi, S.ST.Par., M.Par, stated that this activity is part of the higher education institution's obligation to carry out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including Community Service. The aim is to assist the community through knowledge transfer and skills enhancement in providing food and beverage services, as well as in processing local ingredients into products that can boost the local economy.

Dr. Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, S.ST.Par., M.Par, representing the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic as the Head of the Research and Community Service Center (P3M), officially opened the Community Service activity. She highlighted that the initiative by the Food and Beverage Service Program is a starting point for continuous efforts. Dr. Diah further emphasized that Bali Tourism Polytechnic is prepared to provide training or mentoring in other areas to develop the village's potential.

The event was attended by 30 participants, including individuals from diverse educational and professional backgrounds. The two-day training session comprised presentations and practical exercises, which were enthusiastically participated in by the attendees. The first day included presentations on understanding excellent service, types of food and beverage services. The second day focused on types of beverages, their preparation techniques, and practical sessions on creating creative beverages led by Mr. I Putu Oka Angga Swara Putra from the Indonesian Bartender Association. The entire training session was designed not only to enhance technical knowledge and skills but also to stimulate creativity in developing local products into beverages with greater utility and market appeal.

The village head of Manukaya, Mr. I Kadek Sukariada, SE, expressed appreciation for the Food and Beverage Service Program's initiative at Bali Tourism Polytechnic. He stated that the activity effectively assists the community in understanding and improving their skills in providing food, beverage services, and creating beverages. Sukariada added that ongoing activities of this nature would help Manukaya Village prepare to become one of the tourist villages in Gianyar Regency.

This program is expected to strengthen the understanding and skills of the Manukaya Village community in the Food and Beverage Service sector, thereby supporting the current potential of the village.
