Enhancing Tourism Village Management Skills, Poltekpar Bali and Tabanan Regency Tourism Office Hold Community Service Event at Tua Tourism Village, Tabanan

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Tabanan – Uncontrolled tourism growth and a lack of sustainable management have resulted in negative impacts on natural resources. The solution to these challenges lies in raising awareness and developing human resources (HR) to manage tourism growth effectively and sustainably. Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali), in collaboration with the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office, is working to address sustainable tourism management issues through a Collaborative Community Service (PKM) program in Tabanan Regency, targeting four villages: Angseri Tourism Village, Tajen Tourism Village, Tua Tourism Village, and Tegaljadi Tourism Village. The Collaborative PKM in Tabanan Regency focuses on the theme ‘Integrated Tourism Village Transformation: Building Superior Human Resources for Sustainable Tourism in Tabanan Regency.’ One of the target villages for this Collaborative PKM is Tua Tourism Village.

The Collaborative PKM in Tua Tourism Village, Tabanan Regency, was held over two days, from Thursday to Friday, August 8 to 9, 2024. This training focused on developing sustainable tourism in Tabanan Regency, enabling Poltekpar Bali to offer training that strengthens work ethics and environmental awareness. According to the committee chair, I Nengah Wirata, SE., M.Par, a preliminary survey was conducted in July to identify the tourism development needs in Tua Tourism Village to help it become an independent tourism village. The Head of Tua Village, Mr. I Wayan Budiarta Putra, SE, echoed this sentiment. In his remarks, he noted that the residents of Tua Tourism Village are currently at the worker level rather than the management level, making the training by Poltekpar Bali and the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office highly necessary for the HR in Tua Tourism Village who are not yet knowledgeable about tourism and its management. The enthusiasm of the Tua Tourism Village residents was evident from the participation of 30 individuals, including tourism practitioners, Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Groups), Bumdes (Village-Owned Enterprises), youth, and other community members. The opening of the Collaborative PKM was officially conducted by the Head of the Research and Community Service Center (P3M) of Poltekpar Bali, Mrs. Dr. Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, S.ST.Par., M.Par. Mrs. Diah Sastri hopes that this training will not only be the first and last but also ‘multi-year,’ allowing Poltekpar Bali and the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office to assist Tua Tourism Village in becoming an independent tourism village.

To become an independent tourism village, Tua Tourism Village needs to improve various aspects of tourism management, including attraction management, potential tourism development opportunities, and service quality enhancement. Therefore, as a solution to these issues, Poltekpar Bali provided facilitators and lecturers from Poltekpar Bali to offer insights into sustainable tourism management. The training covered topics such as sustainable tour packages, capacity building for tourism practitioners, destination governance, and excellent service for tourism-conscious communities. This Collaborative PKM concept is a long-term program that represents a collaboration between educational institutions and government agencies to advance tourism villages in Bali specifically.