Community Service – Event Management Training by the Bali Poltekpar’s Convention and Event Management Study Program (Pka) in Panji Village, Buleleng

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Bali Tourism Polytechnic as a tertiary institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is an educational institution that operates in the tourism sector, one of which is the field of events and MICE. The Convention and Event Management Program carries out Community Service training as a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with the theme “Event Management”.

Community service activities were carried out for two days starting on Thursday, June 22 2023. This activity was opened by Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suprastayasa, M.Ed. At the opening ceremony, this activity was attended by the Panji Village Perbekel, Jro Mangku Made Ariawan, and the Chair of the Panji Village PKK Mobilization Team (TP) Ni Made Ari Cahyanti who is also an alumni of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

Head of Panji Village, Jro Mangku Made Ariawan, said that several potential sectors of tourism, MSMEs and party equipment services in his village have recently experienced rapid development. The proof is that several natural and historical tourism potentials have recently begun to stimulate tourism visits. Likewise, the marketing of mainstay MSME products such as Panji Herbal, Sorghum and Dengdeng Asap is increasingly growing. The same condition also occurs when party equipment rental services are starting to grow rapidly. “The participants we present are investors in villages who have developed their businesses, be it tourism, MSMEs, and party equipment services,” he said. He added that as part of the community, he has great hopes that during this training these friends will share their knowledge and not only that, we hope that in the future the Bali Poltekpar, which is where I studied, can continue to help develop the potential of the event management business in Panji village.

In his speech, the head of P3M Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suprastayasa, M.Ed said that Manganjali Karya Werdhi as the institution’s motto means serving in improving work both in improving education and in society. “Returning to the village and building a village by one of the alumni of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic, namely Panji village equipment, is a matter of pride for us as lecturers.” Increasing the potential that exists in the village so that it provides benefits not only from an economic perspective but also from a social, cultural and environmental perspective in Panji Village is expected to be an implementation of sustainable development.

The material presentation activity was divided into four sessions over two different days. The first material was presented by Mr. I Nengah Wirata, S,E., M.Par General Overview of MICE and Event Business. Then the second material presentation was delivered by Mrs. Luh Putu Citrawati, S.E., M.Si. with material on Event Ideas and Concepts. Then on the following day, namely Friday 23 June, the presentation was continued by the third speaker, namely Mrs. Dr. Nyoman Dini Andiani, S.ST.Par., M.Par. with material namely Event Planning and Marketing. The participants took part in the series of activities enthusiastically because the material was presented seriously but relaxed by presenters who have been involved in the MICE field for a long time and are also academics in the tourism sector.

This activity invites all participants to learn together in event development and management in generating activities and introducing Panji Village through implementing creative and sustainable regional events. The organizers also have great hopes that the people of Panji Village can become reliable event managers and even become professionals in the field of events and events.

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