Collaboration with IFI at Gastronomy Week, Poltekpar Bali Holds French Menu Cooking Demo

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BADUNG, Radar Bali – The taste of a dish is the responsibility of its maker. Improper preparation can alter its flavor, especially when dealing with authentic cuisine known for its distinctive taste. This was emphasized by Chef Stefan Poyet from Tere Seminyak, who conducted a cooking demo during the Gastronomy Week – Taste of France, initiated by the French Institute in Indonesia (IFI).

The event, held from October 12-19, 2023, featured cooking demos at selected venues, including Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali). In front of the students, Chef Stefan showcased two of his signature dishes.
"I am cooking two classic French dishes: Oeuf Meurette Salad and Navarin d’agneau with Gnocchi," he said during a practical demonstration to third-semester students on Friday, October 13, 2023.

Known for his expertise in preparing authentic French cuisine, Chef Stefan mentioned that these two dishes are nostalgic for him, as they were often made by his grandmother during his childhood in France.
"These two dishes were often cooked by my grandmother when I was a child in France. I have modified these dishes using French techniques with ingredients available in Indonesia," said the chef, whose father is French and mother is Indonesian.

The students attending the cooking demo were enthusiastic. They not only watched Chef Stefan Poyet's cooking skills but also had the opportunity to taste the authentic French dishes. As the best state tourism higher education institution in Bali, Poltekpar Bali frequently collaborates with external parties to advance education, particularly in vocational fields.

Representing the Director of Poltekpar Bali, Deputy Director I of Poltekpar Bali, Drs. I Wayan Muliana, M.Ed, expressed gratitude for the opportunity given to the students, especially those in the Culinary Arts Study Program, to enhance their knowledge and skills in French cuisine.

Jules Irrmann, Head for Culture and Cooperation of the French Embassy in Indonesia and Director of the French Institute in Indonesia, also attended and gave a speech. He noted that Gastronomy Week provides an opportunity for Indonesians to better understand the diversity of French gastronomy and promote culinary and cultural exchange between France and Indonesia.

“French culinary arts are often known through its renowned and exclusive restaurants. However, bistros, brasseries, bakeries, and cafes also offer products at affordable prices,” he said.

French gastronomy is also a family tradition, with recipes passed down from generation to generation. Similar to Indonesia, hospitality, the joy of sharing, exchange, and curiosity are central to French dining. French Gastronomy Week in Indonesia involves over 150 partner restaurants and institutions across the archipelago, particularly in regions such as Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Jambi, Seminyak, Denpasar, Sanur, Ubud, Makassar, Medan, Pasuruan, Surabaya, Tangerang, and Yogyakarta. Various events are held, including "French menu" offerings at partner restaurants, competitions, film screenings, meetings and discussions, and cooking classes. Fifteen cooking demos are scheduled to take place at various vocational schools and higher education institutions.

Lastly, a national competition for the best French recipe was launched on Instagram. This competition is open to everyone. The ten best video creators will be invited to the grand final in Jakarta on October 19, 2023. At the event, a jury consisting of French and Indonesian chefs, including Gilles Marx, President of the Indonesian Disciples of Escoffier, will determine the winner. The grand prize is a trip to France to experience its unique culinary heritage.