Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) at Bali Tourism Polytechnic Holds Technical Guidance on Tourism in Solo

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The Research and Community Service Center (P3M) of Bali Tourism Polytechnic organized a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) event on tourism in Solo from November 25 to 27, 2023. This session focused on the theme "Strengthening Synergy and the Role of the Pentahelix Elements in the Development of Tourism in Sragen Regency."

The purpose of this Bimtek was to socialize and provide foundational training to the community about the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders in sustainable tourism development.

The event featured several prominent speakers, including:

1. Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, SS., MM (Deputy Chairwoman of Commission X, DPR RI)
2. Joko Hendang Murdono, S.STP (Head of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office of Sragen Regency)
3. Leonardo Krisnada (Expert Staff of Commission X, DPR RI)
4. Abu Hasan Ashari (Expert Staff of Commission X, DPR RI)
5. Dr. Teguh Hadi Prayitno (Chairman of the Indonesian Television Journalists Association, Central Java)
6. M. Aulia Assyahidin (Chairman of the Central Java Broadcasting Commission)
7. Dr. Gunawan Permadi (Chairman of the Creative Economy Committee, Semarang)
8. Ida Bagus Gede Agung Widana, SH., Dipl.TM., M.Par. (Lecturer, Bali Tourism Polytechnic)

The primary participants in this community service program were members of the Sragen Regency community, including tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis), tourism village managers, tourism business operators, micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) owners, community and religious leaders, local communities, academics, village government representatives, media, and others.