Bali Tourism Polytechnic's Sragen Campus Holds Community Service Program in Sangiran Tourism Village

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The Tourism Destination Study Program (PSDKU) at Bali Tourism Polytechnic recently conducted a Community Service Program (PKM) in Sangiran Tourism Village, Sragen Regency. This event took place on November 9 and 10, 2023. The PKM initiative is a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, where faculty members from PSDKU Sragen actively engaged with the community to impart knowledge and skills.

The theme of this event focused on "Sustainable Tourism Destination Management in Sangiran Tourism Village, Sragen Regency." This marked the first PKM activity since the establishment of PSDKU Sragen in 2023. The Tourism Destination Study Program (DEP) hosted several speakers from both internal and external sources. Internal speakers included faculty members from PSDKU Sragen, such as Dr. Hanugerah Kristiono Liestiandre, S.St.Par., M.M., Dr. Rahmawati, A.Md., S.Sos., M.M.Par, and Matius Tinna Sarira, A.Md., S.S., M.Hum.

Additionally, an external speaker, Mr. Joko Hendang Murdono, S.STP, the Head of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office of Sragen Regency, was also present to share insights.