Bali Tourism Polytechnic's Room Division Study Program Conducts Community Service to Enhance Excellent Service for Tourism Human Resources in Tajen Village, Tabanan

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Tabanan - Excellent service, or Service Excellence, is a vital aspect of the hospitality industry. The growth of tourism and hospitality industries in Bali demands an improvement in the skills and abilities of tourism human resources (HR). The D3 Room Division Program (DIK) at Bali Tourism Polytechnic, as one of the programs under the hospitality department, is actively involved in enhancing the skills of tourism HR, particularly in chamber division, through Community Service (PKM). The program provided outreach and training on 'Service Excellence' in Tajen Village, Tabanan Regency. According to the welcoming remarks by Deputy Director III of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., S.E., M.Par., M.Rech., this community service is an implementation of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, where Bali Tourism Polytechnic plays a role in developing tourism within local communities, especially in Bali's tourism villages.
The D3 Chamber Division Program conducted Community Service in Tajen Village, Tabanan Regency, from Thursday to Friday, June 20-21, 2024. This two-day event focused on the theme 'Socialization of Excellent Service for Tourism Stakeholders in Tajen Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency.' Providing top-notch service is mandatory for both domestic and international tourists. Therefore, the D3 Room Division Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic organized training that not only focused on knowledge but also provided hands-on practice in delivering 'Service Excellence' to local tourism stakeholders and HR in Tajen Tourism Village.

Made Sukerta, the Village Head of Tajen, expressed that the community service conducted by the D3 Chamber Division Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic was highly beneficial for the residents of Tajen Village. He emphasized the importance of this initiative as Tajen Village has recently begun developing its tourism sector since being designated as a tourism village in 2023. Sukerta explained that the villagers of Tajen still lack knowledge and skills in providing excellent service, particularly in homestay management. Therefore, the community service provided by the D3 Chamber Division Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic is invaluable. Moreover, in July, Tajen Village will host students from the United States, making the knowledge gained from this training essential for future tourist services.

The community service event was officially opened by the Deputy Director III of Bali Tourism Polytechnic symbolically by presenting identity badges to participant representatives directly at the Tajen Village Office, Tabanan. According to the Chairman of the Committee, Ida Ayu Sri Puspa Adi, S.Pd., M.Par., a total of 30 participants attended the event, including members of Tajen Village Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis) and homestay owners in the Tajen area. The enthusiasm of Tajen Village residents in participating in this event was evident as they attentively listened to presentations from speakers. Besides lecturers from the D3 Room Division Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic, other speakers included a team from the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Tabanan. Various topics covered during the event included Excellent Service, Tourism Awareness, Sapta Pesona (Seven Charms of Tourism), Homestay Management, Front Office, and Marketing. Participants were not only taught theory but also engaged in practical activities such as room cleaning and guest reception.

The PKM event by the D3 Room Division Program at Bali Tourism Polytechnic also included the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Tajen Village. This MoA signifies the commitment of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, particularly the D3 Chamber Division Program, in supporting Tajen Village and its tourism HR to enhance service quality and accommodation standards in the village.
