Bali Tourism Polytechnic's Diploma Program in Culinary Arts Holds Community Service in Bugbug Village, Karangasem

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KARANGASEM - As part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Bali Tourism Polytechnic's
Diploma Program in Culinary Arts has once again engaged in community service, this time in
Bugbug Village, Karangasem Regency. The service, conducted from May 16 to 17, focuses on
the theme "Training in the Management of Fish and Other Seafood for Lunch and Dinner Menus
for Tourism Operators in Bugbug Village, Karangasem." This community service initiative by
the Culinary Arts Program marks the first engagement in Bugbug Village following previous
institutional community services conducted by Bali Tourism Polytechnic.
Bugbug Village is rich in abundant marine resources, with a majority of its residents relying on
fishing as their livelihood. The marine produce of Bugbug Village plays a crucial role in the
local culinary tourism industry, emphasizing the preservation of traditional culinary practices.
This involves utilizing local ingredients and unique cooking techniques to create authentic and
distinctive dishes. Based on preliminary surveys conducted by the Culinary Arts Program among
local community leaders, there is a recognized need for culinary training. The culinary training in
Bugbug Village aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of residents in seafood preparation,
thereby fostering the creation of more varied and high-quality dishes to enhance the culinary
competitiveness of the village in the eyes of tourists.
The activity coordinator, I Nyoman Sunada, SE., M.Par, emphasized in his report that
Community Service (PKM) is one of the three obligations that must be fulfilled by Higher
Education Institutions in Indonesia. PKM involves academic communities utilizing science and
technology to promote community welfare and enhance the nation's intellectual life. Through
PKM, higher education institutions, particularly faculty members, are expected to make tangible
contributions to society.
The opening ceremony was officially conducted by the Head of the Hospitality Department, I
Made Rumadana, SE., M.Par. In his address, he expressed full support for the community service
activities carried out by the Culinary Arts Program (SKU) and hoped that this PKM initiative
would be well-implemented and provide maximum benefits for the advancement of Bugbug
Tourism Village. He further emphasized the hope that such initiatives could continue beyond this
stage to include further training opportunities.
The training sessions were conducted by speakers from Bali Tourism Polytechnic, led by Ni Putu
Eka Trisdayanti, S.KM., M.Kes, focusing on Hygiene and Sanitation. The following day, all
faculty members of the Culinary Arts Program conducted training sessions on set menus using
seafood. The training was attended by 30 participants, including tourism operators such as
restaurant owners and local food business owners in Bugbug Village.

I Putu Jenana Sukandarista, Head of the Bugbug Traditional Tourism Development Agency,
warmly welcomed the culinary training initiated by Bali Tourism Polytechnic through the
Culinary Arts Program. He expressed hopes that such activities could continue with additional
training sessions to enhance the skills of Bugbug Village residents and introduce unique culinary
creations to a broader audience of tourists.