Bali Tourism Polytechnic Welcomes Delegation from Albania on Tourism Human Resource Cooperation Opportunities

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Nusa Dua - Bali Tourism Polytechnic has opened opportunities for cooperation with the Albanian government regarding the deployment of hospitality workforce. The delegation from Albania, accompanied by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Bulgaria, also representing Albania and North Macedonia, Iwan Bogananta, visited Bali Tourism Polytechnic. The visit took place on Saturday, June 29, 2024, and was received by the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes.

This marked the first visit by an Albanian delegation to Bali Tourism Polytechnic. The purpose of the visit was to initiate discussions and explore opportunities for cooperation in the field of workforce development in the hospitality industry. The collaboration potential between Bali Tourism Polytechnic and the Albanian government is a follow-up to the signing of a Letter of Intent (LoI) regarding the deployment of Indonesian workers to Albania with Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziya, on Friday, June 28, 2024.

The Albanian delegation, represented by Mr. Albin Gega and Mr. Klevis Hysa, expressed enthusiasm and eagerness regarding the cooperation program on Indonesian workforce deployment to Albania. They highlighted Albania's current significant developments, particularly in the hospitality sector. The Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic expressed gratitude and pride that the institution was chosen as a key educational partner expected to prepare graduates for employment opportunities in Albania.

The Albanian delegation's visit was accompanied by representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Manpower, the Center for Human Resources Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), and the Indonesian Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BP2MI). During the discussion, Andar Danova Goletoem, Head of the Center for Human Resources Development of Kemenparekraf, provided insights into the Polytechnic Tourism Schools under Kemenparekraf, which includes six institutions across Indonesia: in Bandung, Bali, Medan, Makassar, Palembang, and Lombok. He expressed Kemenparekraf's support for Indonesia's tourism human resources potential, particularly noting the competency of graduates from Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

In a warm discussion, Deputy Director III of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Mrs. Ni Luh Yusni Wiarnti, presented the training programs implemented at the institution, highlighting how the cooperation with Albania could benefit student training activities conducted twice per academic period. It is expected that this promising cooperation opportunity will provide students and graduates of Bali Tourism Polytechnic with opportunities to develop careers in the hospitality sector, particularly internationally. The visit concluded with the exchange of souvenirs and a group photo session.