Bali Tourism Polytechnic Support the First China - ASEAN International Forum on Traditional Medicine 2024

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Nusa Dua – Green Tourism has long been advocated by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI) in the context of developing tourism which not only focus on numbers, but also the physical and mental health of tourists. This was also expressed by the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno at the “Bloomberg New Economy Forum” at Capella Singapore 2023. He showed high confidence and commitment in carrying out the transformation towards green tourism or what is also known as a green economy.

Bali Tourism Polytechnic as a state tourism university under the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy showing support to this goal by encouraging Green Tourism. The concrete effort that has been carried out is by collaborating with the Health and Medical Exchange Cooperation Committee of China-Asia Economic Development Association (HMECC-AEDA). Through this collaboration, Bali Tourism Polytechnic continues to strive to support green tourism and health tourism as a form of developing new tourism models. The dynamic cooperation carried out by both parties is proven by the support of Bali Tourism Polytechnic at the ‘First China-ASEAN International Forum on Traditional Medicine 2024’ held at the InterContinental Bali Resort. This forum is held for four days from 17 – 19 May 2024 emphasizing the advantages of China and Indonesia as well as ASEAN countries in the fields of education, traditional medicine and innovation resulting from scientific research.

The ‘First China-ASEAN International Forum on Traditional Medicine 2024’ activity is held in collaboration between the Health and Medical Exchange Cooperation Committee of China-Asia Economic Development Association (HMECC-AEDA), Tianjin University, Udayana University and Bali Tourism Polytechnic. Director of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr.Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, ST., M.Kes, delivers a speech at this international event. During his speech, he expressed his pride in being part of this international forum which discusses critical health issues, with a focus on traditional medicines which have the potential to make a significant contribution to global health. In addition, the forum will also focus on utilizing Bali’s tourism resources and rich tropical flora combined with the history and culture of traditional Chinese medicine to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people, promote health tourism and contribute to friendship between ethnic Chinese.