Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali) received a comparative study visit from Republic Polytechnic Singapore on Tuesday, 3 September 2024

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Nusa Dua, 3 September 2024 – Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali) received a comparative study visit from Republic Polytechnic Singapore on Tuesday, 3 September 2024. The comparative study activity was filled with cultural exchange activities between students.

Republic Polytechnic Singapore (RP Singapore) Faculty of Hospitality carried out a comparative study visit to the Bali Tourism Polytechnic. The visit activity is an implementation of the collaboration that has been established by the Bali Poltekpar and RP Singapore. According to Deputy Director I Poltekpar Bali, Dr. I Gusti Agung Gede Witarsana, S.ST.Par., MM., CHE., RP Singapore's visit to Bali Poltekpar was a good momentum for both parties. “We are very happy to welcome fellow lecturers and students from RP Singapore. "We want to show the hospitality of Bali Poltekpar students and hope that RP Singapore can experience interacting with students in cultural exchange," said Dr. Great.

Complete news can be seen at the following link: