Bali Tourism Polytechnic Hosts Monitoring and Evaluation of its Public Information and Documentation Center (PPID)

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Nusa Dua - Bali Tourism Polytechnic welcomed a team from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's Communication Bureau for the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of its Public Information and Documentation Center (PPID). The activity took place at the Genitri Meeting Hall on Monday, June 10, 2024.

The presence of the Public Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID) is crucial in the current Bureaucratic Reform. This was highlighted by the Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Head of the Secretariat of the Ministry, Ms. Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani. In her remarks, she emphasized that the Monev activity for PPID is not just a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Communication Bureau, but rather a KPI for one of the units within the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Therefore, it is important to collaborate and coordinate among work units to obtain informative value. The Monev activity by the Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is a routine event conducted prior to the evaluation of PPID by the Ministry's main PPID.

In 2023, Bali Tourism Polytechnic underwent an evaluation of its PPID, resulting in a rating of "Adequate in Information Disclosure". The Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Ida Bagus Putu Puja, expressed hopes that this year, the PPID Working Group Team at Bali Tourism Polytechnic can utilize the Monev process to address shortcomings and recommendations related to the PPID of 2023, thereby achieving better outcomes. The Monev activity commenced with a presentation from the PPID Working Group Team at Bali Tourism Polytechnic regarding the management of information and documentation within the institution.

In addition to evaluating the completion of the Information and Documentation Management and the completeness of supporting data, the main PPID team from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also visited several information service points at Bali Tourism Polytechnic, including the S2 Building, the Rectorate Lobby, and observed the video screens displaying interactive information within the institution. The main PPID also provided suggestions and evaluations regarding the supporting facilities that could be improved or strengthened in providing information services to the public, including those for people with disabilities.
