Bali Tourism Polytechnic Graduates 685 Professional Workers: Graduates Seize Opportunities Abroad

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MANGUPURA, POS BALI - Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar) Bali, an institution under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) of the Republic of Indonesia, holds graduation ceremonies at the end of each academic year. In 2023, the 29th graduation ceremony saw 685 skilled workers in the fields of tourism and hospitality graduate from the vocational higher education institution located in the Nusa Dua tourist area.

Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, ST. M.Kes, the Director of Poltekpar Bali, explained in Nusa Dua on Tuesday (7/11/2023) that the graduates comprised 17 from the Master of Applied Tourism (MTP), 13 from the Bachelor of Hospitality Business (BHP), and 58 from the Bachelor of Hospitality Accounting Management (MAH). The D4 Tourism Destinations (DPW) program had 16 graduates, the Hotel Management (PPH) program had 109, and the Tourism Travel Business (UPW) program had 28. The Diploma 3 Culinary Arts (SKU) program graduated 122 students, Food and Beverage Service (TAH) had 120, and the Room Division (DIK) had 93 graduates. The Convention and Event Management (PKA) program had 49 graduates. The average cumulative grade point average (GPA) for 2023 was 3.69, with the highest GPA of 4.00 achieved by a graduate from the MTP program, and the lowest GPA of 3.26 by a graduate from the TAH program.

According to him, the best graduates of Poltekpar Bali in 2023 included Alroy Murba Anggana from MTP, Komang Putri Saras Utami from PPH, Ida Bagus Putra Sanjaya from DEP, I Made Andika Mahendrayana (MAH), Cokorda Karen Angela (PKA), and Gusti Ayu Citra Arya Sucisanjiwani from UPW. Other top graduates were I Made Indra Maka Parwitha from SKU, Kadek Yuni Amandasari from TAH, and I Wayan Andika Putra from DIK.

Regarding the high number of unemployed job seekers in Indonesia, Ida Bagus Puja, accompanied by Poltekpar Bali's Vice Director III, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., SE, M.Par., M.Rech, mentioned that many graduates from Poltekpar Bali are directed to seize job opportunities abroad. A significant number of graduates from this vocational education institution in the Nusa Dua tourist area have successfully secured employment opportunities abroad. Target countries for Poltekpar Bali graduates include the United States, the Netherlands, France, and others.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf of the Republic of Indonesia, Dra Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani, M.Sc.CHE, emphasized that graduates from Poltekpar institutions across Indonesia must be ready to compete and seize job opportunities both domestically and internationally. Therefore, she hopes that the graduates will continuously strive to improve their competencies and be able to work quickly, work hard, work thoroughly, and work sincerely.

The event, held at Westin Nusa Dua, was also attended by several officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, including the Head of the Communications Bureau, Dr. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendrayani, A.Par, M.Par, CHE.

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