Bali Tourism Polytechnic Collaborates Again with Indonesian Housekeeper Association (IHKA) for Sustainable Sanctuaries Competition

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Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali) once again synergized with the Indonesian Housekeeper Association (IHKA) by organizing a making bed and art towel competition themed "Sustainable Sanctuaries."

The event was held on April 20, 2024, and featured 67 participants from the industry, 22 participants from campuses and training centers, and 15 participants from vocational schools. The judges for this competition included:
- I Gusti Nyoman Winda, BB., MBA., CHE
- I Wayan Seniartha, SE., MM., CHT
- Nyoman Sugiarta, S.Tr.Par., CHT
- I Ketut Natih Bagiada

This event also served as the implementation of the collaboration between the Room Division Study Program and IHKA, a partnership that has been established since 2022.

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