Bali Tourism Polytechnic and Tabanan Regency Tourism Office Successfully Held Collaborative Community Service in Kukuh Village, Tabanan

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Tabanan, August 9, 2024 – Bali Tourism Polytechnic and the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office held a Collaborative Community Service (PKM) event in Kukuh Village, Marga District, Tabanan on Friday and Saturday, August 9-10, 2024, with the theme “Integrated Tourism Village Transformation: Building Superior Human Resources for Sustainable Tourism in Tabanan Regency.” Tourism is a key economic driver in Tabanan Regency, particularly in Kukuh Village. Alas Kedaton is one of Kukuh Village's iconic attractions, which has been well-managed to provide job opportunities and business prospects for the local community. However, following the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decline in tourist numbers and a subsequent drop in the management quality of the Alas Kedaton Tourism Destination in Kukuh Village, Tabanan Regency. Through close collaboration with the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office, Poltekpar Bali provided the knowledge and expertise necessary to enhance local capacity in the tourism village. This joint commitment serves as a foundation for transforming tourism villages in Tabanan into models of sustainable tourism that can serve as examples at both regional and international levels.

The Collaborative PKM event aimed to develop and improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) in the tourism sector, specifically in Kukuh Tourism Village. Over two days, various training sessions were conducted by experts and practitioners in tourism for 30 participants from Kukuh Village, including housewives, Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Groups) members, village officials, and waste bank cadres. At the opening ceremony on August 9, 2024, the Deputy Director III of Poltekpar Bali, Mrs. Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., S.E, M.Par., M.Rech., representing the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, stated that this activity is part of the effort to support the development of sustainable tourism in Tabanan Regency. “We hope that this event will have a positive impact and establish a sustainable relationship with Kukuh Tourism Village,” said Mrs. Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti.

During the event, participants received training on various topics, including:

Development of Tourism Villages and Best Practices in Tourism Village Management presented by Mr. I Wayan Gede Ardika, SE, Head of Pokdarwis Taro Village.
Destination Management Planning for Kukuh Tourism Village presented by Mr. Ida Bgs Gede Agung Widana, S.H., Dipl.TM., M.Par.
Exploring Tourism Potential and Packaging Tour Packages in Kukuh Village presented by Mrs. Made Darmiati, S.Sn., M.Si.
Throughout the training, participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions with speakers and facilitators, exchanging ideas and experiences in tourism village management.**

The Head of Kukuh Village, Mr. I Made Sugianto, expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the Collaborative Community Service event held in Kukuh Village. “I am very grateful to Poltekpar Bali and the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office for choosing Kukuh Village as a destination to share knowledge and provide attention to us,” said Mr. I Made Sugianto.

The event concluded with a formal closing on August 10, 2024, which included reflections from participants during the training and the presentation of certificates as a token of participation in the Collaborative Community Service event.