Bali Polytechnic Holds Collaborative Institutional PKM with Tabanan Regency Tourism Department in Tua Tourist Village, Tabanan

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Tabanan – Uncontrolled tourism growth and lack of sustainable management are actually having a negative impact on natural resources. The answer to this challenge is the importance of awareness and development of human resources (HR) in managing tourism growth effectively and sustainably. Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali) together with the District Tourism Office (Dispar). Tabanan seeks to solve the problem of managing tourism potential in a sustainable manner through Community Service (PKM) Collaborative Agencies in the District area. Tabanan in 4 target villages, namely Angseri Tourism Village, Tajen Tourism Village, Tua Tourism Village and Tegaljadi Tourism Village. PKM Collaborative Agencies in Kab. Tabanan raised the theme 'Integrated Tourism Village Transformation: Building Superior Human Resources for Sustainable Tourism in Tabanan Regency'. One of the tourist villages targeted by the PKM Collaborative Agency is the Tua Tourism Village.

Collaborative Institution PKM in Tua Tourism Village, Tabanan Regency, was held for two days, Thursday – Friday, 8 – 9 August 2024. This training focused on sustainable development of tourist villages in Tabanan Regency, thereby enabling the Bali Tourism and Political Science Polytechnic to offer training that can strengthen ethics. work and environmental awareness. According to the report of the committee chairman, I Nengah Wirata, SE., M.Par, an assessment was carried out in July to find the need for tourism development in the Tua Tourism Village so that it could become an independent tourist village. The same thing was also conveyed by the Tua Village Head, Mr. I Wayan Budiarta Putra, SE. In his speech, he revealed that currently the residents of Tua Tourism Village are still at the worker level, not at the management level, so training by the Bali Poltekpar and the District Tourism Department is carried out. Tabanan is very necessary for human resources in the Tua Tourism Village who still do not understand tourism and its management.

Complete news can be seen at the following link: