Bali Poltekpar Holds Tourism Training for ASN of Tomohon City.

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Nusa Dua, August 26, 2024 – Bali Politeknik of Tourism (Poltekpar Bali), one of the tourism polytechnic campuses under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, is tasked with providing education and training for civil servants in the Tourism Office of Tomohon City, North Sulawesi. The focus of the activities is on education, training, and field studies related to tourist villages.

The tourism training for Tomohon civil servants began with an opening ceremony on Monday, August 26, 2024, at the MICE Building, Widyatula, Poltekpar Bali. This training is a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Poltekpar Bali and the Tomohon City Government on August 9, 2024. According to Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes, the Director of Poltekpar Bali, the aim of this training is to equip civil servants with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to implement policies and serve stakeholders in the tourism sector.

The training program for Tomohon City will last for six days, from Monday, August 26, 2024, to Saturday, August 31, 2024. Activities will include introductory sessions and a pre-test on the first day, a field study at Penglipuran Tourism Village, and a comprehensive exam on the final day. “During the field study at Penglipuran, participants will have the opportunity to observe this independent tourist village in Bali and learn about village tourism management,” said Putu Puja.

For this training, Poltekpar Bali has invited speakers and facilitators, including instructors from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and lecturers from other institutions under the ministry who have participated in Training of Trainers (ToT). They will provide insights into tourism development covering six strategic pillars: Basic Creative Economy Industry, Basic Tourism Destinations, Basic Human Resources for Creative Economy, Basic Creative Economy Marketing, Basic Creative Economy Institutions, and Basic Creative Economy.

It is hoped that the tourism training for Tomohon City will benefit the civil servants by enhancing their tourism management skills, thereby advancing tourism in Tomohon. This initiative also positively impacts Poltekpar Bali as a vocational educational institution, demonstrating its commitment to supporting tourism development in Indonesia. This aligns with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, particularly the aspect of Community Service.