The PSDKU Sragen Tourism Destination Study Program Bali Tourism Polytechnic successfully held Basic Attitude and Professional Development (PSDP) in 2024

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The PSDKU Sragen Tourism Destination Study Program Bali Tourism Polytechnic successfully held Basic Attitude and Professional Development (PSDP) in 2024. The implementation of the PSDP is a continuation of the New Student Admission process at PSDKU Sragen which previously carried out the Independent Entrance Selection (SMM) in 2024.
PSDP PSDKU Sragen activities were officially opened by the Director of Poltekpar Bali, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes directly at the BLK Technopark Ganesha Sukowati Field, Sragen. PSDP PSDKU Sragen activities will be held for 3 days from 16 – 18 July 2024.

Symbolically, the Director of the Bali Poltekpar gave participants' tokens to representatives of PSDP PSDKU Sragen participants and released doves. PSDP PSDKU Sragen Poltkepar Bali also involves personnel from Kodim 0725 Sragen City, ensuring that PSDP activities will not involve bullying activities.