Poltekpar Bali and Community Service Activities in Serangan Village

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MANGUPURA - PosBali.net — As one of the top state tourism colleges in Bali, Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar) Bali consistently promotes the development of Bali's tourism sector, especially the skills of its human resources.
One of the efforts made is through Community Service Activities (PKM) conducted by the D3 Food and Beverage Service Management (TAH) Study Program in Serangan Village, South Denpasar District.

PKM is one of the three aspects of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, packaged in the form of training for tourism practitioners. This training activity was held over two days, Monday and Tuesday, September 18-19, 2023.

The theme of the TAH Study Program training this time was "Training on English for Restaurant, Menu Design, and Basic Wine Knowledge for the Community in Serangan Village, South Denpasar District." Previously, the TAH Study Program's PKM in Serangan Village focused on beverage preparation and presentation.

According to the report by the chairman of the committee, I Ketut Rusdiarnata, S.St.Par., M.Par, the number of participants was 30, all from Serangan Village. Present at the opening ceremony of the PKM was the Secretary of Serangan Village, Ketut Suriati, who welcomed the activity as it positively impacted the enhancement of knowledge and skills in English, menu design, and wine.

The first day of the PKM was officially opened by Deputy Director III, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., SE, M.Par., M.Rech. She stated that Serangan Village is a developing tourist village and Poltekpar Bali, especially the TAH Study Program, is playing a role in helping to develop the tourism human resources in Serangan Village. The training was symbolically opened by the presentation of participant badges to representatives and concluded with a group photo.

In line with the theme, the TAH Study Program not only brought in lecturers from the program to provide knowledge and practical demonstrations, but also Dewi Dyana Putra, Ah.Par, the Head of Tourism HR Division from the Denpasar City Tourism Office, who discussed policies and legal foundations for tourist villages.

During the training, participants were not only given theory but also practical sessions in English for Restaurant, where they engaged in role-play conversations with guests and menu design from various ingredients. A particularly interesting topic was the introduction to wine, where participants learned about cleaning wine glasses, serving wine, and participated in a wine drink creation demonstration.