PKA PSDKU Manado PRODI is involved in the Tomohon international flower festival

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PSDKU Management of Manado Events and Events also took part in the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF 2024). TIFF is an annual event in Tomohon City every August as an effort to promote tourism in Tomohon City which is synonymous with flowers in everyday life. TIFF itself is included in the Kharisma Event Nusantara (KEN) 2024 by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. Bali Tourism Polytechnic through PSDKU Manado PKA Study Program also contributed to TIFF 2024 activities through Community Service (PKM).

PKM PSDKU Manado took the theme 'Human Resources (HR) Assistance in Implementing the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi'. The PKM activity was carried out for 5 days, namely 7 – 12 August 2024. The activity began with online protocol training and direct involvement of PSDKU Manado Poltekpar Bali students as a supporting team at TIFF 2024. It is hoped that this PKM activity can provide benefits for all parties, especially PSDKU students Manado Poltekpar Bali in experiencing direct experience of working at international events.

source: instagram