Implementation of Collaboration: UPW Program Lecturers at Bali Tourism Polytechnic Provide Training at Ngurah Rai Customs and Excise

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Bali Tourism Polytechnic, as a state tourism university in Bali, continues its commitment to collaborate and establish partnerships in efforts to enhance tourism human resources. One such initiative is the collaboration implemented by Bali Tourism Polytechnic with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Bali. On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, lecturers from the D4 Tourism Business Program, Made Darmiati, S.Sn., M.Si., were invited as speakers for the 'Workshop on Indonesian Customs and Excise Client Service Charter'.

The workshop was organized by Ngurah Rai Customs and Excise. The objective of the workshop was to provide insights to the officers of Ngurah Rai Customs and Excise Office Type Madya Pabean, enabling them to optimize their performance in serving stakeholders. The workshop took place at KPPBC TMP Ngurah Rai from Monday to Wednesday, January 22-24, 2024.
As lecturers of the D4 Tourism Business Program, sharing knowledge and experience in delivering excellent service is part of their commitment under the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Serving as a speaker is a manifestation of the Community Service aspect of Tri Dharma. Participants of the workshop showed enthusiasm in participating, especially in the topics presented by Ms. Made Darmiati, S.Sn., M.Si. The knowledge imparted will undoubtedly enhance their performance in serving the community at Ngurah Rai Customs and Excise.

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