Great Success! Expo and Closing of Batch XI STPRENEUR: Unlocking The Entrepreneurial Spirit at Poltekpar Bali Showcasing the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students

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Nusa Dua – Expo and Closing of Batch XI STPRENEUR held at the Joob Ave Hall, Poltekpar Bali, on Friday, July 26, 2024, was a resounding success and vibrant event. The event showcased various activities reflecting the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of Poltekpar Bali students.

The official opening was conducted by the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit and the Director of Poltekpar Bali, represented by the Deputy Director I, through a ribbon-cutting ceremony. This was followed by a report from the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit, I Putu Esa Widaharthana, and remarks from Deputy Director I Poltekpar Bali, I Gusti Agung Witarsana, along with the Indonesian national anthem, Mars Poltekpar Bali, a prayer, and an opening video featuring activities from the previous tenant batch.

The ceremonial opening continued with a booth inspection by the Director and external guests, who visited tenant booths showcasing their creative products. The flair bartender competition was one of the event highlights, with the judging panel from the Indonesian Bartenders Association. A photography competition ran concurrently with the bartender contest, and a performance by the UKM Dance added to the event's excitement. The event proceeded with an entrepreneurship-themed fashion show, with captivating performances by Jebag, featuring casual and anime themes. An inspiring talk show titled “Fridaypreneur” followed, featuring speakers Mr. Ping P. Hendra (Goal Achievement Coach) and Mr. Rajya Yodie (Business Consultant Co-Founder of Red Group), with relaxed discussions and Q&A sessions on stage sofas. Students also participated with enthusiastic questions.

The climax of the event was the pitching session for Batch XI tenants, where they presented their ideas and products. Subsequently, awards were given to Batch XI mentors, followed by the announcement of the photography competition winners and prize distribution.

Awards for Batch XI winners, best booth, and best video journey were announced by the panelists: Mr. Gde Brawiswara Putra (JCI Indonesia), Mr. I Putu Gede Janardhana Taram (Motokopi), and Ms. Tetsuya Aisyah Rayanti ( First place was awarded to Antar Kita (PKA), second place to Kero Handmade (DEP), and third place to Elementea (PPH). The event concluded with a performance by guest stars, Barong Boys, who entertained participants and audiences with an energetic and impressive show. The Expo and Closing of Batch XI STPRENEUR successfully highlighted the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of Poltekpar Bali students, marking the end of the STPRENEUR Batch XI program with brilliance.