Convention and Event Management Study Program of Bali Tourism Polytechnic Enhances Exhibition Management Skills in Event Organization of MSMEs at Panji-Buleleng Village

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SINGARAJA, - The Applied Bachelor (D4) Program in Convention and Event Management at Poltekpar Bali once again held Community Service activities in Panji Village, Buleleng Regency, on Friday - Saturday, June 14-15, 2024. This activity, part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education implementation, marks the third time the PKA study program has conducted such activities in Panji Village.

In this PKM event, the PKA study program chose the topic "MSME Exhibition Management in Event Organization," continuing the theme from previous PKM activities. The head of community service, Luh Putu Citrawati, SE., M.Si., reported that the selection of the MSME exhibition management training topic resulted from coordination with Panji Village authorities. The village has many local MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) products worth promoting more broadly, and one effective method for enhancing MSME product marketing is through events, including MSME exhibitions.

Furthermore, I Nengah Wirata, SE., M.Par., Head of the Tourism Department and representative of the Director of Poltekpar Bali, welcomed the Community Service activities conducted by the PKA study program. He hoped that this activity could also synergize with Poltekpar Bali students in organizing MSME exhibition events. "We hope for further guidance in the fourth event," he added. This plan was also well-received by the Head of Panji Village, Jro Mangku Made Ariawan, S.ST.Par., MBA.

In his speech, he stated that Panji Village is an agrarian village rich in agricultural and livestock products. Additionally, the village is currently developing the 3R action (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) facility that produces useful recycled products. Thus, future event guidance by the PKA study program would greatly aid in marketing MSME products in Panji Village.

The activities of the PKA study program this time featured 30 participants from various community components and organizations in Panji Village. The activities were held over two days with various materials supporting knowledge about event management. In addition to presentations by the PKA study program lecturers, materials were also delivered by practitioners, including I.B Putu Agus Garlika, who presented on "Digitalization of Village MSME Featured Products in Exhibitions."
