Bali Tourism Polytechnic's Tourism Destination Program (DEP) Conducts Community Service in Sidan Village, Gianyar

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GIANYAR - As part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Bali Tourism Polytechnic's Tourism Destination Program once again carried out community service, this time located in Sidan Village, Gianyar Regency. The service, conducted from May 7 to 8, was the program's first community service initiative in Sidan Village, following previous institutional community services conducted by Bali Tourism Polytechnic in collaboration with Universitas Warmadewa and UCSI Malaysia.
From the results of the institutional community service and needs analysis conducted by the DEP program in collaboration with Sidan Village management, it was identified that the community of Sidan Village requires capacity building in destination management, particularly in the development of tourism villages. Destination management, also known as tourism destination management, involves the sustainable planning, development, and management of tourist destinations. Its goal is to ensure that tourism in these destinations benefits all stakeholders, including local communities, tourism industry players, and the environment.

The coordinator of the community service activities mentioned in the report that Community Service (PKM) is one of the three obligations that must be fulfilled by Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia under the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 12 of 2012. PKM involves academic communities utilizing science and technology to promote community welfare and enhance the nation's intellectual life. Through PKM, higher education institutions, especially lecturers, are expected to make tangible contributions to society. Additionally, through these activities, lecturers are expected to enrich their knowledge to be shared with students through classroom lectures.
The event was officially opened by the Vice Director III of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. Luh Yusni Wiarti, A.Par., SE, M.Par., M.Rech. In her address, she expressed full support for the community service activities carried out by the Tourism Destination Program (DEP) and hoped that this PKM initiative would be well-implemented and provide maximum benefits for the progress of Sidan Tourism Village.

To support the achievement of PKM goals, the Tourism Destination Program prepared two speakers with experience in managing tourism villages and their tourism approaches based on community governance. Additionally, a speaker knowledgeable about the functions, roles, and management of tourism destination governance organizations was also prepared to deliver their insights to the 30 participants of the PKM. These participants represent all stakeholders in tourism in Sidan Village, including the Village Head and their officials (Sub-Village Heads), PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment), STT (Tourism Awareness Group), Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Group), and Bumdes (Village-Owned Enterprises).
The Head of Sidan Village, I Made Sukra Suyasa, also welcomed the destination management training initiated by Bali Tourism Polytechnic through the Tourism Destination Program. He expressed hope that such activities could continue to provide comprehensive understanding to the Sidan Village community regarding tourism management.