Bali Tourism Polytechnic’s Manado Campus Hosts Community Service Program in Tomohon

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The Manado Off-Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Bali Tourism Polytechnic held Community Service (PKM) activities in Tomohon City. The activity will be held for two days, 5 - 6 December 2023 in the city of Tomohon. As a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, PSDKU Manado takes part in making contributions, especially to the community in the field of event management. Tomohon City, as one of the cities that has developed in Manado, has become one of the tourist destinations, especially for organizing events.

The forms of PKM activities are event management training, flower decoration creation, etiquette and protocol in implementing MICE events, side event planning in MICE events and hygiene and sanitation at events.
A total of 30 participants attended the PKM activities for two days. The participants came from various backgrounds including the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), young men and women managing events, as well as university students in Tomohon City.

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