Bali Tourism Polytechnic Hosts the Opening of the 46th Dies Natalis, "Moving Forward Together, Celebrating Joy"

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Nusa Dua - Bali Tourism Polytechnic has reached its 46th year in 2024. Welcoming the peak of Dies Natalis, a series of activities has been prepared starting with the opening ceremony of the 46th Dies Natalis. The opening ceremony of the 46th Dies Natalis of Bali Tourism Polytechnic was held in a hybrid format at the Joop Ave Hall, Bali Tourism Polytechnic on Friday, March 22, 2024. The opening of the 46th Dies Natalis was attended by all faculty, staff, and students of Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

The theme of the 46th Dies Natalis is "Through the 46th Dies Natalis of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, we enhance collaboration spirit in diversity for the sustainable excellence and personality of Indonesian tourism," with the tagline "Moving Forward Together, Celebrating Joy." The spirit of the 46th Dies Natalis is embodied in the mascot 'Si Pico,' symbolizing the magnificence and wisdom of knowledge, where it is hoped that the 46th Dies Natalis will reflect wisdom in its mature age. The spirit of collaboration is demonstrated through a series of activities involving the entire academic community of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, including pre-Dies Natalis activities such as blood donation drives, Joyful Fridays, and internal competitions encompassing academic, cultural, and sports competitions, culminating in the peak of the 46th Dies Natalis on Thursday, March 28, 2024.

The opening of the 46th Dies Natalis was formally inaugurated by the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes. In his address, Putu Puja revealed that in the past year, Bali Tourism Polytechnic has been steadily progressing towards its envisioned goals. "This is evidenced by the achievements of our students in national and international arenas," Puja stated. He added that this year, the faculty of Bali Tourism Polytechnic continues to enhance their capacities through capacity-building programs in Switzerland and Nepal. Furthermore, the increasing number of doctoral degrees obtained by Bali Tourism Polytechnic faculty and the improved SINTA scores demonstrate the productivity of faculty members in scholarly works beneficial to the academic community and the wider society. Concluding his speech, the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic called upon the entire academic community to remain united and strengthen camaraderie during the 46th Dies Natalis.

Before the formal inauguration of the opening of the 46th Dies Natalis, an equally significant agenda was the declaration by the 8 study programs of Bali Tourism Polytechnic. The declaration was made by representatives of the 8 D3 and D4 study programs, affirming their readiness to participate in the celebration of the 46th Dies Natalis. Carrying their respective study program flags, representatives from the Student Associations of the Study Programs (Himaprodi) proudly stepped onto the stage. The spirited atmosphere from each study program supporter filled the Joop Ave Hall of Bali Tourism Polytechnic. Following the last study program's declaration, the event continued with the handover of the rotating trophy from the Coordinator of the Hospitality Management Program (PPH) as the Overall Champion of the 45th Dies Natalis to the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic. Officially, the opening of the 46th Dies Natalis began with the ceremony of handing over the rotating trophy to the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic. With the inauguration of the opening of the 46th Dies Natalis, a series of festive activities commenced, including internal competitions (in academic, sports, cultural fields), workshops, the Final of Jegeg Bagus Bali Tourism Polytechnic, and the Wonderful Night celebration.