Bali Tourism Polytechnic Conducts Basic Tourism Training for ASN in East Nusa Tenggara

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The Bali Tourism Polytechnic again provides Basic Tourism Education and Training (Diklat) for ASN from the East Nusa Tenggara Province Tourism and Creative Economy Service and the West Manggarai Regency Tourism, Creative Economy and Culture Office. The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner where online sessions were held on 27 – 30 November 2023 and offline on 4 – 9 December 2023. The training participants were 10 ASN from the Tourism and Creative Economy Department of East Nusa Tenggara Province, 10 from the Kupang City Tourism Office. people, and from the West Manggarai Regency Tourism and Creative Economy Office as many as 10 people.

The aim of Tourism Training for ASN in NTT is to realize the development of Tourism Human Resources for ASN at the East Nusa Tenggara Province Tourism and Creative Economy Service and the West Manggarai Regency Tourism, Creative Economy and Culture Office. The presenters at this training were lecturers from all Poltekpar under the auspices of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, including Dr. Femmy I. Dalimunthe, M.Si., CHE (Poltekpar Medan), Dr. Hj. Ratna, M.Pd., CHE (Poltekpar Makassar), Faisal Fahdian Puksi, S.Hum., M.Sc., M.Hum (Poltekpar NHI Bandung), Putri Rizkiyah, M.Par., CHE (Poltekpar Lombok), Mustika Permatasari, M.M.Par, CHE (Palembang Poltekpar) as well as several lecturers from Bali Poltekpar, including Ni Putu Evi Wijayanti, SE., M.Par., CEE, Putu Ayu Aryasih, SE., M.Par., CHE., CEE, Dr. Hanugerah Kristiono Liestiandre, S.St.Par., MM, and Dewa Ayu Made Lily Dianasari, ST., M.Si.

The plan is that after a comprehensive test is carried out in Bali on 9 December 2023 at the Undisan Tourism Village, Bangli, an evaluation will be held which will be carried out on 21 – 23 December 2023 at West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.

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